Seeing Life through Sacred Eyes

We often think of Islam as a tradition that tells us do certain "sacred" activities, such as going to hajj, and avoid other activities...

The Devil Isn’t Just in the Details: Reflections on Artificial Intelligence,...

Many of us have had our first conscious experience with AI through interacting with ChatGPT, that marvellous wonder of the postmodern world which writes...

Quenching the Thirst of Generations: The Ali Asghar Water Appeal’s Journey...

Water is a fundamental need for every human being. However, it remains a distant dream for billions of people worldwide, where access to clean,...

Islam’s Sacred Story: A Contemporary Retelling-Part 1

This is the first installment in a two-part article on the historical thought of Sayyid al-ʿulamāʾ, Sayyid Ali Naqi Naqvi. The article explores the...

Lumʿah and Its Sharḥ: A Fiqh Resource

In this student resource, the seminal fiqh work, al-Lum'ah al-Dimishqiyyah is updated to include the opinion of some modern jurists, along with other relevant issues.
A piece discussing the legalities of ideal prayer times

The Best Time for Prayers

This article discusses legal opinions regarding the ideal times for ṣalāh (ritual prayer).

Sunan (Practices) of the Prophet and Ahl al-Bayt: Takbīrat al-Iḥrām

This article focuses on the practical, a mustaḥab act of mulitple takbīr s in the daily ritual prayer. The daily prayer is central to the spiritual life and practice of all Muslims. As such, it is encouraged for a Muslim to beautify his or her prayer with the teachings of the Ahl al-Bayt (ʿa).